Tuesday, July 24, 2018

It's Baaaack!! Phantom Car, Take Three!!!

Update on phantom car sighting

Last week one day, my mother was sitting in the kitchen in her wonderfully-haunted house. Her grandson was not home and it was a few hours before he was due to arrive. This incident happened in broad daylight, incidentally.

Something caught her eye through the kitchen window. She looked in that direction from where she was sitting and saw a dark colored vehicle. Due to the color and location it was in (the exact spot her grandson always parks in), she naturally assumed he had come home early. The dog heard the car and started to wag her tail in anticipation of seeing him.

But no one came to the door. Looking further into the yard and driveway, my mother could see there actually was no car anywhere.

That’s twice now in three months.

If this is your first time reading about the mysterious, creepy car, you might want to read a bit of the backstory on this subject:

If you are an avid follower of The Phantom Car Experience, I don’t know what to say about this. Again.
Maybe it’s there ALL the time but people are only seeing or hearing it now and then.

Like certain spirits, could it be stuck in a time loop, driving in the driveway time and time again?

I have hypothesized a theory (for lack of any other explanation) that because there is SO much weirdness (a couple of UFO sightings, ghosts/spirits materializing in the front yard plain as day, The Man in a Human Suit, and the multitude of creepy phantom car sightings) happening around the front of the house, that perhaps there is some sort of “portal” or “void” right around there that is allowing all the strangeness in.

Am I comfortable with this hypothesis? Not at all. It’s utterly ridiculous. However, lots of ridiculous stuff happens to people all over the world. It should at least be considered when trying to figure out the source of the car.

So for now, I leave you once again to mull this over. Frankly, I am glad it is happening. 

The more times it is experienced, the more evidence there is.

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Tuesday, May 29, 2018

The Phantom Car Strikes Again

One night not long ago in the little community that this house stands in, there was another possible experience involving the phantom car. If you have not read about the phantom car occurrences at this residence, then by all means visit this link and catch up. 

The Phantom Car (<--link))

My mother was home alone. Her grandson had told her he would not be home until the next day, as he was away for the night. She locked the house up and went to bed near midnight.

Her bedroom is on the downstairs level and due to multiple layers of paint over the years, the old creaky bedroom door does not close all the way. She had just turned out the light and reports she was definitely not asleep yet, when she could see car headlights shining into the house through the dining room windows. 

The only time this happens is when her grandson comes home late at night, as he parks very close to the front step. He is the only person who parks that close to the house. Other family members and visitors always park in other sections of the driveway. He is also the only person who would ever arrive there at that time of night.

She assumed he changed his mind about spending the night elsewhere and had come home. She realized he might not be able to get in the house, as she has several very good locks that are secured from the inside. She thought about this, thinking he might ring the doorbell when he realized he was locked out. But that didn’t happen.

What did happen was while the car headlights were shining in through the window to the dining room, she heard movement out in the kitchen. She called out her grandson’s name, but there was no answer. Shortly after that, she could see a faint light moving around the dining room. She called out again, “Is anyone there?” No answer. 

Then as quickly as it all began, the lights and noises were gone.

She got out of bed and made her way to the kitchen, put on the light and looked around. She checked all of the door locks and realized nothing had been touched. She looked out the kitchen door window but there was no car.

She called it a night and went back to bed.

In the morning, she checked everything again but is absolutely positive no real human had been around. She mentioned to me that she thought it was the phantom car. 

The whole situation leaves a lot of questions:

1. An intruder would most likely never drive right up to the front doorstep. There is only one person who ever does that and he was not home.

2. An intruder would most likely not shine their car headlights directly into the house like that. You would think they would slink around trying to gain entry inconspicuously.

3. An intruder did not gain entry into the house as all doors and windows were still secured thereafter.

4. Nothing was out of place, upset or missing.

5. So who or what was in the kitchen and then the dining room?

6. And who is driving that phantom car around?

While my mother and I were discussing this incident, it reminded me of something similar that happened in that house to me and my brother.

We were pretty young but old enough to be left home alone, so I may have been around 11 and my brother was maybe 13. Our parents had gone out for the evening and we were home by ourselves. I remember it was dark and we saw a car drive in the driveway. I became slightly alarmed because no adults were there but figured it was someone to visit our mom and dad and they would leave again once they were told they weren’t home.

Back then, my father used to drive his car towards the back door sometimes and over time the long driveway kind of became naturally longer due to him doing this. On this particular night, the car in question drove around by the back doorstep instead of parking out front like the rest of the world would do. Then the headlights went out. With a bit of trepidation, we waited for someone to knock (I assumed it would be on the back door, which also no one ever did) as that was where the car was parked.

The knock never came. 

We weren’t quite sure what to do at this point. Who drives up to the back of someone’s house and then never gets out of the car?? The thought of how weirdly unusual this was started to really freak us out so one of us (probably me but I can’t say for sure as it was a long time ago) decided to call a friend of the family. I don’t know if we expected him to come over. He lived about fifteen minutes away but at least we were in contact with an adult who might know what to do. I don’t remember much about the phone call other than describing what was happening. And I don’t really recall how it ended—if we finally saw the car drive away or our parents came home and it just wasn’t there anymore.

I know we were extremely glad when our parents finally returned. We told them what happened but they had no explanation other than to assume someone had come to visit our father, sat there for awhile, assumed he wasn’t home and then left. But I don’t think people really do that. No one ever mentioned to our parents that they came by and sat in their car for awhile one night.

I thought about this incident once in awhile growing up but shrugged it off as just “one of those things”.

Up until this point, I always thought it was a real person doing something really weird. But when my mother told me her recent tale of the phantom car showing up in the night, she said, “I think that’s what happened to you and your brother all those years ago.”

It surely is a possibility. I had never thought of it in that context before until she said it.

The phantom car strikes again!

And again.

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Saturday, March 31, 2018

Knock Knock. Who's there?

It is very cliché when talking about ghosts to hear tales of doors opening and closing by unseen hands. However, in the house that this blog is about, this very thing has happened countless times over the years. In a house known to be haunted with plenty of unexplained activity in it, I would be surprised if it didn’t have doors opening and closing with no scientific explanation.

I know what you’re thinking: “Why would a ghost bother opening a door when they can apparently walk right through walls?”

This is a great question and probably one of the first I will ask, should I ever get the opportunity to have a good old-fashioned gab session with a disembodied spirit. (Believe me, I have questions.) I would assume the opening and closing of doors is because they want us to know they are there. Like all the times they spin coffee mugs through the air. Or walk around on creaky floorboards overhead. Or bang on the  walls of the 
unoccupied bedroom upstairs. Or rock in empty rocking chairs. Or call us on the phone. The list goes on and on. 

Who knows why they do anything? They have their own agenda to which we are not privy. It’s like they think it is none of our business or something. They live in our houses but apparently think they don’t have to answer to us if they don’t want to. 

The very first incident I heard of doors mysteriously opening and closing in our house was when I was a young girl, maybe 7 or 8 years old. Hearing adults talking about weirdness and unexplained goings-on was just second nature during my childhood. It concerned me and freaked me out of course, like it would any kid, as it was obviously going on in my own house and I spent a lot of time playing by myself upstairs. I was usually scared to some degree to go to bed at night but I got used to it after a while and came to accept it as the way my life was. 

 As you have probably read elsewhere on this blog, I did hear a lot of noise coming from the empty spare bedroom that shared a wall with my bedroom. It was always a “spare” room so no one was ever in there. No living people, anyway.

So as I said, the first time I remember hearing about doors opening and closing on their own was very interesting and startling to me. The incident happened to a family member. He was in the largest upstairs bedroom one afternoon. He would have been a young adult at this time. My mother always said he told her he was reading on his bed. There is a door leading into the bedroom from the large walk-in attic and another door that leads out into the front hallway where the other bedrooms are. Suddenly, he looked up from his book as the door leading into the attic was opening. No one was there but it opened all the way. In a few seconds the other door opened, as if someone had come into the room through one door and exited through the other.

Currently, my son sleeps in that bedroom. There is now a sliding lock on the door that goes into the attic. He often locks it, goes to work, and comes home to find it unlocked. His elderly grandmother is the only other person in the house and she is not able to climb the stairs.

In the walk-in attic, there is also a set of rickety dark stairs leading down to another door that opens up into the kitchen. This door doesn’t close one hundred percent tight, thanks to many layers of paint around the door and casing over the last hundred years. But it does close enough that you can consider it “shut”. I agree it can become slightly ajar because of this but there is a handful of people (myself included) who have been in the kitchen and happened to look towards it at just the right moment when it has opened way further than you would expect due to natural movement in the kitchen or because the house is ‘settling”. It opens a LOT on its own.

 When my mother was a little girl, an older family member used that back staircase regularly when it was time to go to bed. He would take his lantern, traipse up those back stairs, through the two bedroom doors mentioned above and settle in for the night in what is now the “spare” bedroom. Does he still take that route at the end of the day? Possibly. 

Just off the kitchen is a wonderful pantry. And in the pantry there is a door that leads into a typical dirt-floor cellar. While there has been a lot of “activity” in the pantry, nothing unusual goes on in the cellar that anyone is aware of. However, over the span of many years there have been very loud, unexplained banging noises on that cellar door (from the cellar side) to which no explanation can be found. Not like knocking, but like loud “I’ll-bust-this-door-right-down” banging. It never usually lasts long. If you open the door and look, there is never anything visible. Lots of people have heard it. It is totally random. No one has an answer.

One particular occurrence of this was the day my mother’s friend passed away. My son and mother were the only ones in the house. Before they were notified of the death, that cellar door slammed shut (so it must have also been opened first by whoever or whatever) with an alarming noise. My son went to investigate and tried to open it but this time could not budge it even a little. It normally opens no problem, with absolutely no resistance. Finally, he hit the door as hard as he could and it finally gave. Nothing visible was responsible. Was this a forerunner to the death they would soon learn about? Did the deceased come by to let them know her time had come? Again, the answer is “possibly”. 

In a previous blog post entitled More Recent Haunted Events at the Homestead from 2011, I mentioned how my mother had experienced the dining room door slamming shut very forcefully while she was in the adjoining kitchen. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: There is no wind blowing through the house. Cats can’t slam doors. There is no reasonable explanation for such things to be happening. Yesterday, my mother told me of another incident. She was sitting at the kitchen table last week and suddenly the dining room door just simply closed. Then immediately after, it opened right back up (she keeps it open all the time). She is used to all of this by now, so doesn’t get alarmed too much.

There have been other door-related incidents over the years, such as the door knob on the spare room door rattling in the middle of the night while people slept in there, to more recently the ghost of a deceased cat clawing and scratching at the front door to be let in. It stands to reason that since ghosts/spirits/etc can exert enough energy to move objects, make noise and sometimes even materialize, they can just easily open and close a door when they want to.

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Monday, January 15, 2018

Paranormal Pets (The Cat Came Back)

There have always been pets in our family: dogs, cats, rabbits, and once for a short time, a little lamb and a couple of wild raccoons. My father was known for taking any animal that was up for grabs so I don’t really ever remember a time when there wasn’t at least one pet.

Cats seemed to dominate the scene over the years, probably based on the facts that they were so easy to get free of charge, easy to look after and of course cuddly.

But as with any furry friend, there comes a time when their short lives come to an end.

Around the year 2000, my mother had one cat named Roy. My son was around five at the time and of course, loved cats. I don’t recall what happened to Roy but he did die around this time. Shortly afterwards, my brother, my son and I were in the kitchen at my mother’s house. Suddenly, we heard a cat clearly meowing outside the front door. We all sort of looked at each other because as a rule, deceased cats who have been interred generally do not show up on the doorstep crying to be let in the house. My son became pretty frightened and asked,” What is that??”

My brother opened up the door and I was wishing terribly hard for Roy NOT to be sitting there (so as not to scare the crap out of my kid) while at the same time wishing he WAS sitting there, because let’s face it: a ghost cat would be pretty awesome to see.

Well, wouldn’t you know it….no cat was visible. I made up some lie about the wind blowing around the side of the house making a weird noise that sounds sort of like a cat so my son would stop asking questions about a pet very obviously returning from the “other side”.

He bought it that time but we did hear it a time or two after that so I point blank told him what I thought it was. He spent a lot of time in that house and was well acquainted with the supernatural, which we downplayed as much as we could. But like I did (growing up there), I am sure he spent many hours, especially at bedtime, wondering what he would hear or see before dawn broke the next day.

My mother has also reported that Roy made a few visits to her bedside shortly after he died, as she could feel him on the bed beside her, just like the way he used to cuddle up next to her every night of his life. She says she could hear his happy little purrs.

Eventually, ghost Roy seemed to fall to the wayside.

And then my mother got a dark little furry guy named Casey. Casey lived to be about 13 or 14, I believe, and just died this past December (2017), due to complications from his advanced age.

My mother claims he was her best friend; always eating breakfast with her, keeping her company during the day and listening to her every word, and going to bed with her at night. He was definitely a smart little fellow in his younger days. I remember once when he was just a few years old, my mother was lying down and not feeling well with declining blood sugar. Casey knew something was wrong and cried and cried until she got up and he led her to the shelf she keeps her medications on, at which point she remembered she hadn’t taken it.

He loved roaming around outside, sometimes staying away for a couple of days at a time, causing her to worry and think he’d never come back. But he always did. He would sit on the doorstep and make scratching noises near the doorknob so someone would let him in. In his later years, he just sort of sat on the doorstep and softly meowed and didn’t manipulate the doorknob anymore.

I spoke to her today and as always, I asked my usual question: “Any ghosts around?” To which she replied, “No, I don’t think so, except Casey was here a few times.”

(She said this as casually as if she is telling me it’s going to snow tomorrow)

“What do you mean Casey was there? Like, you’ve seen him?” I asked.

My interest was definitely piqued for several reasons: One, we can add this to the pile of unexplained things in her house. Two, this is even more proof of some sort of life after death/spirit thing. And three, the “Ghost Animals” blog post can be created.

(She hadn’t given me anything to work with lately as she had not noticed anything unusual going on—I spent several days there over Christmas and nothing happened then, either. Sigh..if only they performed on command)

Then she told me she heard the gentle jiggling of the doorknob, just like Casey used to do when he wanted to come in. In recent days, it has occurred three times. Once, she went to the door to look, but could not see anything.

If I had to guess, I’d say he will probably show up next on her bed. Maybe once it’s dark and she has settled down for the night.

This is not the only incident of a pet coming home again after its death that I am personally aware of.

Our fourteen year old dog had to be euthanized several years ago. She was quite a character, well behaved and smart. We buried her beside the lake by our house where she loved to play. We returned to the house afterwards and my son and I were in a downstairs bedroom when we heard her chain collar jingling as she came meandering down the stairs and plopped into her creaky wicker basket.

We looked at each other. “Did you just….?” I was going to ask my son. With wide eyes, he looked at me, I looked at him and we both looked into the hallway where her familiar basket still sat.
"She's come home," he said.

Yup, she most definitely did.

Want to read about other paranormal pets?
Oscar the Grim Reaper

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Monday, December 4, 2017

The Rocking Chair

In my mother’s large country house, there is a particular piece of furniture that, for lack of a better word, seems a little haunted.

It is an old wooden rocking chair painted white that my great-great- grandfather brought to the house in the 1870’s. Although the house contains a lot of antiques, this chair is definitely one of the oldest things in it.

I suppose other pieces of furniture could potentially be good places for a ghost to sit on, and although there is another rocking chair in the living room that was my grandmother’s, the chair in question is the only one in the house that rocks all by itself (as far as we know).

As previously mentioned in this blog, we moved into the house when I was five years old in 1975. I don’t know whose idea it was to put this ancient rocking chair in my bedroom. Maybe it was already in that room and no one thought to move it. I really don’t remember. What I do remember is my mother always telling me the story of how she heard it rocking by itself when she was a little girl.

Her experience with the chair is detailed in this post:

I also remember that because of that story, there were plenty of nights as a child (and later a teenager) that I went to sleep with that chair at the foot of my bed, praying I would not hear it creaking back and forth, or worse, SEE it rocking in the middle of the night. Mostly, I think I would have heard it, if anything, as at night in that house it is so pitch black you can’t see your hand in front of your face.

In all my years of having that chair in my room, I never once saw it or heard it move on its own. However, there are a handful of people who have.

A family friend spending the evening once, claims to have heard it rocking upstairs when no one was up there. There have been a few friends over the years who also claimed to have heard it rocking on the creaky old floorboards. And of course, my mother, who knew what that chair sounded like once it started rocking.

Is there more than one spirit who likes to sit and rock on a 150 year old chair? Or is it just one who doesn’t want to give it up?

Currently, the haunted chair is in the even-more-haunted spare bedroom. The occasional guest stays in there and there have been no recent reports of the chair rocking on its own. But who knows what goes on when there are no witnesses. As you read this, that chair could be slowly creaking back and forth in that pitch black spare bedroom which is known to have a lot of paranormal activity in it.


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Sunday, November 26, 2017

What does a ghost have to do to get a cup of coffee around here?!

Yesterday we visited my mother’s house, the one this blog is written about. My mother, my son and I were sitting in the kitchen having a discussion about a vehicle my son wants to buy. The pantry is connected to the kitchen. It was daylight, sunny and everything in the pantry was clearly visible.

I was facing the direction of the pantry. My son sort of had his back to it.

Suddenly, we heard a noise in the pantry. I looked in there, and Scott turned around to see what was going on. There is a shelf in there with hooks attached underneath which holds coffee mugs. There’s probably twelve or so. The hooks are very sturdy and the mugs have hung there for many years.

When Scott and I diverted our attention to what was happening, we clearly saw the mug on the far left in mid air, on its way to falling to the floor. It hit the shelving unit underneath it, then hit the floor.

No other mugs were even moving. The mug that somehow jumped UP off the hook did not even collide with the others that are very close to it. A mug moving upwards (with no human intervention) to come off of a hook is not an easily explainable event. Skeptics could argue the hook was loose and the mug just fell but that would be impossible as the mug handle rests DOWN onto the hook. And the hook was still well attached when I inspected it afterwards.

Scott and I just stared at the scene unfolding, thinking “what in the hell just happened?” I think my mother saw what happened but she doesn’t get too concerned over this stuff anymore. I picked the mug up and put it back on its hook.

What’s even stranger is this exact same thing happened many years ago when relatives were visiting. They were in the kitchen and watched this same event unfold, as a mug came off its hook and ended up on the floor.

Of all the weirdo stuff that happens there, I get most intrigued by these events that I see happen when there are witnesses. And yesterday, there were two.

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Saturday, November 18, 2017

My Mother's Experiences

My mother has included the following in a written account of our personal family history. While much of what she has experienced while living in her house has been reported in other posts on this blog, the following may be of interest. These are her words and she often tells these tales when we discuss unexplained occurrences:

My first experience was when I was probably no more than two or three. It is one of my earliest memories. I remember being in the kitchen and suddenly a big, round ball of light rolled out the dining room door into the kitchen. No one else saw it but me, but I still remember this.

Then, when I was five or six my mother moved me upstairs to the large bedroom. There was a washstand in the room with an old-fashioned basin and pitcher set on it. One night the sound of those dishes rattling woke me up. I “knew” that it was a mouse and I also “knew” it was going to run across my face, which it did! I can still recall how it felt when whatever it was passed over my face. I began screaming and my mother ran upstairs to see what was wrong. I was practically hysterical and told her a mouse ran over my face, but of course there was no mouse. She had to spend the rest of the night in my bed because I was so frightened.

One of my most frightening experience happened when I was a teenager. My mother and father slept downstairs (in the room I now sleep in) and one evening my father had gone to bed and mom and I were still up listening to the radio. Suddenly, music started to play, sounding like it was coming from upstairs. I remember being very frightened and screaming, “What’s that?!!” and my father got up and came out (in his long-johns which he slept in) saying, “I hear music!”

My mother didn’t hear a thing. It sounded as if the radio, which was upstairs in my room, had come on, although there was no way that it could have. Mom and I started to go up the stairs to check on it and when we were half way up it stopped just as suddenly as it had started. That was the first time my hair stood on end! Whenever anyone would mention it for years afterward, I would get chills up and down my spine. I do not know if they were forerunners, but there were two deaths in the family within the year—my grandmother, Sarah, in April and Lilie, who lived here, in July.

There is a rocking chair in this house which, when I was a little girl, used to be in the kitchen. It is very old and my mother told me that her grandfather brought it with him when he moved from Lower Northfield in the mid 1860’s. I woke up one night when I was a small girl and heard this chair rocking slowly, as it creaked when you rocked it. The next morning I innocently asked my mother if she didn’t sleep well the night before. She said she had slept fine and wanted to know why I was asking. I replied,” Because I heard you up rocking in the night.” At this, she became very upset and said that was her grandmother’s chair and she used to rock very slowly in it, the same way I had heard it. Growing up, I heard it rocking “by itself” many, many times.

Many years later when my son was in his teens, he slept in that room and awoke one night to see a girl with long brown hair leaning over his bed. A few years earlier my other son was alone in that same room one Sunday afternoon, lying on his bed reading a comic book, when the door on one side of the room opened and closed and a few seconds later the door on the other side of the room opened and closed. Someone passed through, although he saw no one.

The spare bedroom directly above the living room seems to be the scene for most of the unexplained activity. In summers past, when relatives were visiting from Ontario, they would sleep in that room. One of them told me she awoke one night to find my mother standing at the foot of the bed. I have also heard footsteps and sounds of floor boards creaking from that room when no one was occupying it. Rebecca’s bedroom shared a wall with that spare bedroom and there were many nights as a child and teenager when she would hear noises, knocks and mysterious banging coming from that room. My grandson also saw my mother sitting on the bed in that room, petting the family cat.

There have been numerous times when there is an overpowering smell of perfume, which I associate with my mother. Every year when I do my spring cleaning and wash all of the good dishes in the china cabinet, most of which were Mom’s, I am sure to smell perfume. She loved her dishes and up until the last few years she lived, she washed them herself. She would get me to carry them to the sink and back in to the cabinet after they were washed and dried. Every year I do this and can smell her perfume and I know she’s there. Also, sometimes there is an unpleasant smell that Rebecca refers to as “old people smell”. My mother was born in this house and lived here her entire life (91 years) so it must be hard for her leave, which is why we know she is still around.

About a year after my husband died (1982), our church held a Memorial service to honor members of the community who were no longer living. Members of the congregation were asked to come forward and light a candle in memory of a family member, so I lit one for Murray and Ricky, and Rebecca lit one for her grandparents. That night while we were in bed I awoke to find the kitchen light on. I laid there for a few minutes thinking that one of the kids had gotten up to go to the bathroom, but I didn’t hear anything so eventually I got up and turned the light off. They both told me the next morning that neither of them had been up in the night. The following night the light came on again and after a few minutes it turned off. I told my brother about this a few days later and he said the switch was probably worn out so he took it apart to check it but found nothing wrong with it. My theory is that since we lit candles in church in memory of our loved ones, they did something similar for us!

Perhaps the single most terrifying experience I personally have ever had occurred on Sept. 26, 1982. I know the exact date because I told relatives about it as I was leaving their house the next day after their daughter’s first birthday party.

I was in bed and had been asleep for a while when something woke me up. There was a tall woman standing right beside my bed staring down at me. It was dark in the room but I could see her perfectly. She had very pale skin and dark hair which was piled up high on top of her head, and very dark piercing eyes which were staring at me. She was dressed in a long loose dress or robe, and it was pale green and pink in a damask pattern. I remember I screamed when I saw her and she immediately disappeared. The strangest thing about it was she seemed to have Chinese features and it was certainly no one I had ever seen before. I slept with my light on the rest of that night and for weeks afterward, but I never saw her again.

One night quite a few years ago, my nephew’s daughter and a few friends were here at the house and they wanted to play with the Ouija board. They lit candles and went to the living room with it. During their ‘session’ a plant stand in the corner fell over. I had been in bed but awoke to them screaming. The next morning, the phone rang. I answered it and said “hello” and an old woman’s voice said “hello”. I said “hello” again and so did she and then the line was full of static and I couldn’t hear anything so I hung up. I pressed “star 69” to identify the last caller but I got a message saying the call could not be traced. I am convinced it was a caller from the Great Beyond, possible stirred up the night before by the Ouija board session.

One afternoon I was expecting my son and his girlfriend to come visit as they usually did on Sundays and I heard a car drive in. I looked out and saw their car backing into the field on the other side of the driveway. I went on with whatever it was I had been doing, expecting them to come in at any moment. After a bit, I wondered what was taking them so long and when I looked out again the car was gone. I supposed they had forgotten something and left and gave it no further thought. A half hour or so later, they did come in. I asked them why they had been there and left earlier and they looked at me in astonishment and asked me what I was talking about because they had just left home for the first time. However, I had seen them before!

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