There are two things you should know about me before I tell you
of the events of February 18, 2025:
1. Long ago, I was a
2. I don’t lose or misplace things. I know where my stuff is 24-7 and am completely organized at all times. It’s a gift. If something of mine is missing, someone took it.
Another factoid you should be aware of is that off and on throughout the years, stuff has gone missing in our house just out of the blue with no explanation. This has happened many times to many family members. Most of the time, the items came back eventually, usually in a weird place. I am not referring to the “Where did I put my car keys?” or “I lost my earrings” or ‘a sibling took your favorite sweatshirt when you weren’t looking’ types of occurrences.
Every time ghost was the answer, it was written about in this blog.
When ghost was not the answer, I didn’t even mention it because,
who cares?
When “ghost” was the answer, we usually attributed missing items
to the child-ghost, Willie. If you have read the blog, you know Willie lived
here in the 1800’s and died in this very house from measles when he was 5 years
old. No doubt his funeral was held in what is now my living room. This was very common in the 1800's. We attributed the missing items to his shenanigans because it seemed like
something a mischievous little kid would do.
How do we know Willie is a ghost in our house?
Because I have seen him.
In all his ethereal glory.
In the middle of the night.
150 years after he died.
I can’t say for sure he is the one who takes our things. I can’t
say for sure it is only him. It could be another spirit entirely because again,
if you read the blog, you know we have more than one ghost.
But I can tell you with 100% certainty that many of the times household items disappeared, a ghost was to blame.
Which brings me to the incidents of February 18th.
I had just gotten up and was about to start the coffee brewing.
Shaun had been up before me and came into the kitchen looking for the coffee he
just made a moment before. It was nowhere to be found. He literally made a
coffee, put it down on the counter, walked away, came back half a minute later
and it was gone, mug and all.
This is inconvenient for two reasons: 1) He really wanted that
coffee and now has to make another one. 2) I have a huge collection of favorite
coffee mugs and do not want any of them disappearing.
We searched the entire downstairs. No coffee.
The only other living presence in the house is Winston the cat
and last I checked, he can’t pick up a coffee mug.
We shrugged it off; Shaun made a new coffee and that was that.
I fired up my computer and put in a day’s work. Shortly after 4 pm, I had planned on taking a shower. Before doing so, I was in our bedroom and opened a dresser drawer I had designated to hold a bunch of old hair-related stuff (curling irons, brushes, and various cosmetic accoutrements).
I know what you’re thinking: the coffee cup was in there. No, it wasn’t but that would have been quite the story!
Anyway, I have always kept a plastic bag in that drawer with
some haircutting items in it as I still do the occasional haircut and as
previously mentioned, I keep the drawer organized so I know where everything is
when I need it.
Sidenote: do not contact me for a haircut.
Imagine my surprise to find the bag missing. A couple of “what
the f..’s” later, I was searching every drawer, cabinet, and night stand in the
room, even under the bed, but the bag was nowhere to be found.
You might assume that I must have just put it somewhere else after I had it the last time. NO. I put everything back where it belongs every time. For this very reason.
I searched the entire upstairs. Twice. Every closet, room,
shelf, nook and cranny and came up empty handed.
I tried to think when I had it last. It was about a month ago to cut my son’s hair. I know I put the stuff back in the bag and put the bag back where it goes. If for some weirdo reason I did not put the bag back in the dresser drawer, within that month, I would have come across it somewhere in this house. Yet, I did not.
Of course, I questioned Shaun. He knows what the bag looks like. It’s probably the last plastic Sobeys bag in existence. He had not laid eyes on it recently or moved it.
I searched the downstairs. Twice. Every room, space, shelf or cabinet you can think of. Behind furniture. Under furniture. No bag.
It is gone. And because the only other person who lives here has not seen it, and again, as you know, the cat has no hands to carry things with, AND based on the previous incidents where we know without a doubt that a ghost confiscated something, I call ‘ghost’ on this one.
So after a few more “What the “bleep”s, Willie? This isn’t funny anymore!”, I gave my son a call to let him know Willie was up to his old tricks again. Scott had been on the receiving end of Willie’s nonsense more than once over the years.
I’d like to interject here and remind you that within the last
year, on two occasions when I was talking to Scott on the phone, an unknown
voice had interrupted our conversation. Neither of the voices were heard by
Scott but they were definitely heard by me and were coming directly from IN the
So while talking to Scott that day on the phone, about one minute into our conversation (he on his cell phone, me on my landline), I heard another voice.
These voices on the phone are bordering on ridiculous now.
Once? Okay, ghosts like to use phones to try to communicate. It
happened to my mother. It’s happened to many people around the world. Google
Twice? Well, since it worked so well the first time, I guess they thought they’d give it another shot.
But THREE times? Come on!
Yet that’s exactly what happened.
The voice said one word, sharply and loudly. It sounded like,” Aaaaannnnnn!!!” It didn’t sound deep, like a man’s voice. It was more like a female or a child perhaps.
I got goosebumps immediately, thinking back to the other times this has happened.
I said to Scott, “Did you just hear that?”
He said, “I sure did. What the **** was THAT?”
I could only venture a guess: another unknown entity getting in on our conversation…?
To Scott, it sounded like it was in the room with ME, yelling out. To me, it sounded like it was right in the phone.
Who was it and what exactly was it trying to say? I can’t say for sure. We heard nothing odd after that and talked for a good ten minutes.
This only happens when I am talking to Scott, and obviously not
every single time we talk. It is also not the same phone for all 3 calls. The
first time it happened, I was using the kitchen extension. The other 2 times, I
was on the upstairs extension.
As discussed on another post, it is not common for lines and signals to get mixed up these days between a cell and a landline.
And even if that were the case, you would think you’d hear more sensible sentences instead of the shrieks and squawky words I’ve been hearing. (However, the first time it occurred, it was a man saying a clear sentence in a slow voice).
Recently I learned that other voices coming across during phone calls can happen if one user is using headphones or Bluetooth. This was not the case in any of our calls.
I also discovered cordless phones can pick up the frequency of another nearby device (baby monitors, radio signals, etc.) which results in unaccounted-for noises on a phone and it is possible for only one side of the conversation to hear it. However, the voice on this particular day and the incident before it a few weeks ago, weren’t even decipherable. If my phone was picking up someone else’s legitimate voice, one would assume you could understand it. But no, we could not.
Based on this information, I can’t say for sure this is ghost or paranormal-related. But it is a fact I live in a haunted house and it is a fact a spirt has without a doubt made contact with my mother through the telephone once before.
Therefore, I will leave this filed under “Not Sure What This Is”
until a deceased person I know calls me and clearly identifies themselves.
Maybe Willie could call me: “Hi Rebecca, this is Willie. I have your coffee cup
and hairdressing bag. I’ll bring them back when I am done with them.”
THAT would be good but I am not holding my breath. Ghosts never do what you want.
UPDATE: Today is March 8, 2025. The bag containing the haircutting
items and the missing cup of coffee have not turned up.
January and February and the early days of March graced us with a few other paranormal events….you know, the usual ghosty stuff:
One day in early January, I was working at my desk. A floral perfume scent wafted throughout my work area, concentrating all around me. It lasted about 2 minutes then was gone. I was not wearing perfume or anything scented. Nothing had been sprayed in the room. I wasn’t doing laundry in the laundry room. There was just no explanation for it. This has happened a few times over the years in the house, to myself and others.
Mid-January, I was home alone again, working. Shaun had gone out. In the afternoon I heard fairly loud noises from the kitchen/dining room area. I assumed Shaun had come back, although the noises did not really sound like the door being unlocked/opened. It sounded more like someone had set a bunch of things down on a table or floor....that kind of general noise. I went to investigate, still thinking it was Shaun arriving home. It was not. No one was there and nothing was out of place.
Another day not long after that, I had worked all day. Nothing unusual happened all day until around 5:00. I had been upstairs post-shower and when I came down and walked into the kitchen, a terrible smell just hit me in the face. The only way I can describe it is a perfume from 100 years ago was left to rot and go rancid and now it was in my kitchen. I could tell it was perfume but it smelled ancient, spoiled and very old. It was quite awful.
Shaun was home at this point and also walked into the kitchen. I asked him what the heck that smell was. He couldn't smell anything odd. He had a wood fire going in the stove at that point so I asked if he put something weird in the stove. He hadn't. It lasted a few moments then faded away. About 20 minutes later I could smell it again just as strong. Again, he could not smell it at all.
The day before, he had removed some moldings around doorways in the kitchen, as part of the ongoing kitchen reno. I am inclined to believe my very nosy grandmother who died in 1981 but has been seen in the house over the years since her death, may have been around to check out what is going on in her house and she is still wearing her old Avon perfume from 1930-whatever. Wouldn't surprise me one bit. I can't say for sure it was her; I am just venturing a guess here.
I also tend to think she may be responsible for the noises that are
constantly heard in the dining room when no one is in there. My mother heard
these dining room noises for years. I assume it is my grandmother because she
spent most of every day in that room, in her rocking chair looking out the
window. Mostly she wanted to see the mailman come and eyeball her son’s house
just down the road as much as possible.
I have no doubt I will walk into the dining room one day (or night) and she will be there. It’s only a matter of time. For extra fun, let’s make it around 2 a.m. when I get up to go to the bathroom and the house is dark and she is sitting by the window. Good times.
The last week of January, there were also some unaccounted-for footsteps incidents.
On one particular day, I was in my bedroom upstairs. I heard quick
footsteps come up the stairs or go down--I couldn't tell which way. It was not
on every single step.. just a few.
I opened the door and looked at the stairs but saw nothing. The cat was asleep in the living room and I was home alone.
On January 31st, it was around 11:00 pm. Shaun was asleep upstairs. Winston (the cat) and I were in the living room. The house was quiet. I heard footsteps---clearly upstairs but not right over my head so I assumed they came from our bedroom and also assumed Shaun was getting up for whatever reason. The footsteps stopped. I listened to try to figure out what was going on. Since there were no more, I figured he got out of bed for something then went back to bed. A moment later, I heard them again. Same amount of steps, still coming from upstairs in either our bedroom or possibly the hallway. Once again, I figured Shaun was getting up. The steps stopped and I did not hear any more. The next morning I asked him if he had been up around 11:00. He told me he never got out of bed. And while he was sleeping, he also never heard the footsteps. They were pretty loud and heavy, as if made by an adult. They were definitely footstep sounds on an upstairs floor.
Since that occurrence, I have also heard a few more additional incidents of footsteps upstairs when I have either been alone in the house, with the cat accounted for, or Shaun was already in bed and not gotten up (confirmed by me).
The footsteps overhead and on the stairs are becoming common occurrences. It is no use to investigate when I hear them because they usually only last for a few seconds.
Do they bother me? Not particularly. I just find them super interesting. I would love to get a look at the sources, which, in the last year and a half, have remained invisible.
As long as they stay quiet while I am trying to sleep, we’re good.
Additional footnote: Just a few hours ago I was upstairs in one of the spare bedrooms cleaning up. This particular bedroom has a large walk in closet with a door that is closed at all times. There are some clothes and seasonal decor stored in there. I was rearranging some items in the bedroom when I heard a large bang on the inside of that closet door. It was not something falling over (everything is placed in there so nothing could easily fall). It actually sounded like someone banging against the closed door from the inside.
I don't know why my mind went to Willie, but it did. I told him he was welcome to come out.