Showing posts sorted by relevance for query how do shoes disappear. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query how do shoes disappear. Sort by date Show all posts

Saturday, November 17, 2018

The Reappearance

As I’ve mentioned before numerous times throughout this blog, the spirits at our haunted homestead are generally pretty friendly. By that, I don’t mean that they sit down for a coffee and ask how your day is going but over the years, their activity has been basically harmless. The only semi-angry event I witnessed in that house was when a shelf full of glass vases was quite forcefully unhooked from the wall it was attached to and sent hurtling to the floor. Other than that, as you know (if you’ve read about these paranormal events) they are active a lot but mean no harm. A favorite thing for them to do is to take certain objects in the house and eventually return them (usually) in unusual places.

Throughout previous posts on this blog, you will find various events of this nature. A few objects that mysteriously disappeared that immediately come to mind are a broom, glasses, a video game, a phone, scissors and a pair of shoes. The items in question were returned at some point, but always in a different place in the house. These are NOT incidents of someone laying an object down and forgetting where they put it. But if you read the blog posts, you know that already.

Anyway, today a long-missing item was returned from “wherever” in a most unusual way.

As previously mentioned, my adult son lives at the house with his grandmother. She is elderly and cannot manoeuver the stairs anymore. (You’ll see why this is important).

In 2016, my son, Scott owned a nice pair of red Puma sneakers. They were his favorite and he wore them every day. One weekend, he had been out somewhere, came home, removed his sneakers by the front door as he always does and went to bed. When he awoke, the sneakers were missing. He searched high and low and inquired with his grandmother but the sneakers were gone. 

(This was mentioned in a previous post HERE )

Looking for a logical explanation, she and several others who have been told about the mysterious disappearance, asked if he left them at whoever’s house he was visiting at. The answer was a definite “no”. No one leaves their footwear at someone’s house and drives home in their bare/sock feet. Plus, he distinctly remembers leaving them near the front door as he has been doing for years.

So how do shoes disappear?

You are probably thinking someone else could have moved them OR he left them somewhere else in the house.

The only other person there is his grandmother. She has no interest in his sneakers. The house was searched to no avail. No one else had been in the house.

Maybe the question is: how do shoes in a proven-to-be-haunted house disappear?

For the next two years he and I and his grandmother periodically wondered where in the heck the red sneakers could have gotten to. Naturally, we half-jokingly blamed “Willie”, a child ghost, known to sometimes be around, and we entertained the thought that someone was possibly running around in the afterlife with these cool red sneakers on.

I hoped that someday the sneakers would just magically reappear but Scott figured that was not going to happen. Other footwear took their place and life (sometimes hauntingly) went on.

Today, Scott called me to tell me that something super-bizarre had occurred. Knowing all the crazy stuff that has been happening at the house lately, I had a feeling the topic was going to be paranormal.

Which of course, it was.

Early this afternoon, he had gone into the large walk-in attic. He was rearranging some of the items currently being stored there when a large shoe box at the far end of the room caught his eye. At some point, he had purchased boots and this was the box they came in. He hadn’t seen this particular box in awhile, which was why it had caught his eye today. So he picked it up and noticed it had some weight to it. Puzzled, he opened the box and well, I guess I don’t really have to tell you what was inside, now do I?

Flabbergasted, he lifted his now-wrecked red Puma sneakers from the box. The last time he wore them, they were in pristine condition. Not anymore. As the picture below shows, a good portion of one side of them is torn apart. 

Creeped out yet?

Maybe this next part will send shivers down your spine: While he was telling me all of this on the phone, he said, “Ummm Mom? Someone has been wearing these. There is GROUND inside the shoes.”

I am just going to end this here as nothing more really needs to be said.

Someone took the shoes. Someone did God-knows-what with them for the last TWO years. And someone put them back upstairs very recently in the attic, in a shoebox and left them in a place where Scott would see them.

Scott’s girlfriend had no knowledge of the missing sneakers. His grandmother cannot climb stairs even if she wanted to play a ridiculous insane joke like hide shoes for two years and then ta-da, here they are.

These are the facts.

This is what happened to everyday, normal, sane, sober individuals, who just happen to live in a not-so-average house.

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