Sunday, August 28, 2011

Phantom Cars

How would you like to be sitting inside a perfectly good house, hear a car drive up outside, doors shutting, people talking and when you look out, there isn't anyone there?

It's a little disturbing.

This has happened at my mother's house several times, and there has usually been more than one witness. No alcohol or drugs were involved so you can cross that explanation off your list.

One of my brothers heard this while staying at the house alone a few years ago. Three times he heard the car, the doors, the people.....three times he looked outside and nothing was there. I will leave out the part where he became so frightened he got in his own car and left....but too bad I can't mention that because it emphasizes how unnerving the incident was. We are talking about a man who doesn't believe in a whole lot of paranormal stuff---unless he experiences it for himself.

Myself and my ex-husband were in the bathroom of that house together one day. No one else was home at the time. The bathroom window faces the driveway and when you take into account the lack of insulation and original 1800-era windows, it is safe to say you can clearly hear anything that is going on outside.

So we were in the bathroom getting ready to go out somewhere when we heard a car drive up. I became immediately annoyed because I didn't want visitors---we were trying to go someplace.
I looked out the bathroom window but couldn't see a car. We could hear it..the tires crunching on the ground. Then we could hear doors closing and people talking. We proceeded into the kitchen and out onto the doorstep but no one was car.

My son and I also heard it about 2 years ago. We were upstairs in the house cleaning out the large walk-in attic when we heard a car drive up. I was buried under boxes so I asked Scott to go to the window to see who had driven up. He claimed it was no one. I didn't believe him so I managed to crawl out and look for myself. Again, no one was there.

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Man in a Human Suit

A few years ago, while at my mother's house one morning, I heard my mother calling me from downstairs and when I went down to see what she wanted there was a very unusual man at the front door. 

I hesitate to call him that because he just didn't look right. When I think about how to describe him, I think I can sum it up by saying his hair, skin and clothes were sort of on sideways. 

I know it sounds ridiculous but there is not really another way to describe him. My mother was scared to death. 

It wasn't that he was unkempt exactly. It seemed almost like he put on a "human suit" that morning and zipped it up and he just wasn't inside of it very well. I realize this makes very little sense but I don't know how else to say it. 

Anyway, he looked at me immediately and said he ran out of gas and asked if I could I take him down to the gas station to get some. 

I peered past him and saw his car sitting on the shoulder of the road. Then I told him No, but he could wait in his car while I went and got the gas for him. 

He agreed and handed me 10 dollars and went off to wait.

I got a gas jug from the shed,told my mother to lock all the doors and drove and got the gas. When I got back, he poured it in the car, spilling at least half of it all over the road. He didn't seem all that dexterous. I was surprised he even knew where to put the gas. 

He told me to keep the change, and he left.

My mother and I had a good discussion about him. She said she never saw anyone look like that, and we both agreed he could possibly have been an alien or some other type of being. We both felt very uneasy and alarmed when we saw him. That feeling did not go away until he drove off.

To this day, we mention him sometimes to try to rationalize what happened. But we never come to any other conclusions.

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