Sunday, September 23, 2018

Ghost Footprints: Photographic Evidence

Recently, I was fortunate enough to capture a couple of  Ghost Faces (link)  in pictures.  I say “fortunate” because it is an almost-impossible feat.  Most ghost photos are either staged, mistaken identity or wishful thinking that can’t be proven. Luckily, the ones I took have been scrutinized by photograph enthusiasts and paranormal experts. Ninety nine percent concluded that they are pretty much the real deal.

Since that, more substantial, tangible evidence has emerged in the living room of our old house. At first, when I was informed of what happened, I hesitated to even write about it, simply for the fact that it’s hard to believe. But then I considered the fact that unless you know the house and my family, you may not put too much stock in what has transpired there. And until you see it for yourself, it may not make sense to you logically. Since this blog is about the paranormal events of the house and the property on which it sits, it would almost be a disservice to not report the latest.

I can only tell you these things do happen. Draw your own conclusions and opinions, as I have often instructed before.

Trust me when I say that when you grow up in a haunted house, you get used to the activity pretty quickly. It’s just a part of everyday life after a while. There were lots of sentences like, “My (fill in the blank) is missing and it was right here 5 seconds ago.”, “There’s a lot of banging on the walls in that empty bedroom.”, “Did anyone else hear someone walking around in the hallway last night after we all went to bed?” “Did you just see what I saw standing in the pantry?”

It becomes the new norm. Our norm anyway and I can say with confidence based on worldwide reports that we were never the only ones forced to live with ghosts. But, thankfully, they were (and continue to be) always harmless so while it is unusual living conditions, there was not much to be done about it and  life just went on anyway. Of course, considering the many generations and known apparitions in the house, my mother never wanted them shooed away. Frankly, neither did I as I got older. The paranormal became fascinating on many levels to me. As a kid, I would have loved for them all to have gone away and stop scaring the bejesus out of me. I would have loved to have gone to bed at night not scared.
Just once. 
But it never happened. 

As an adult, I welcome any new activity. It is exciting, mysterious, and offers a glimpse into a world of which we know pretty much nothing about.

The activity is not based on just one person’s account of what happened. There have been many witnesses over the years to things that have happened. The point of this post or the blog is not to  convince   anyone of the validity by pointing and saying, “Look! We have a real haunted house here!” It is more like, “Come in for a cup of coffee or dinner. Oh by the way, you might see a ghost. You might not. But they are likely hanging around.” Believe it. Don’t believe it. That is entirely up to you. Some of it goes outside the normal realm of what you consider an average haunting; much of it does not.

Having said all that, sometimes something happens in that house that even by my standards I have a hard time wrapping my brain around, which is hard to do when you have photographic evidence and real, honest, trustworthy, no-nonsense people telling you that “this is what just happened.”

So for several weeks now, my son has been renovating various sections of the house, concentrating mainly on the living room floor. He removed the old carpeting to expose the beautiful, wider floor boards which are original, put down around 1871. Yesterday when he went in to do some more work, he found footprints on the wooden floor boards. There were several obvious (barefoot), child-size footprints on the wood floor. They look wet, but he assures me they absolutely are not. They did not wipe off; they are just there. The floor was mopped later on and the prints remained.

  A few interesting facts about this:

1)      The prints were NOT there the day before.
2)      They go across the floor into the wall at a particular spot that many years ago, there was a door there leading into a bedroom on the other side of the wall. The door was taken out and made into a solid wall at some point.
3)      No one in the house has a foot that size; nor did the three people (all adults) currently in the house go into the room during the time period mentioned.


The pictures speak for themselves. My son and the others were shocked and astounded that these footprints somehow materialized on the floor overnight. When my son told me about this and sent me the pictures he took, I was amazed.

The footprints could belong to “Willie”, a child who died there at the age of 5, in approx. 1873 from measles. We believe his spirit has made his presence known over the years, most notably when I slept there one night and he came in my bedroom in the middle of the night. He was one of the children of the man who built this house in 1871. The house has remained in our family since then.

The ghost faces in the pictures I took also occurred when the home renovations were happening. Are the deceased curious as to what is happening to their “home”? Are they unhappy that things are changing, or just keeping an eye on how things are going? Or is the materialization of the spirit faces and footprints not at all related to any reno work, and would have occurred anyway? It doesn’t really matter, I suppose.

Both happened and there is photographic evidence.

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