Monday, November 4, 2024

All the Questions You Always Wanted to Ask But Were Sort of Afraid of the Answers

Over the years, I have been asked many questions about our house and the ongoing paranormal activity, which is fine with me; I could talk about this house all day long. Recently, a childhood friend stopped by, whom I hadn’t seen since we were teenagers. One of the first things she asked me was, “You still have ghosts”? 

For those that don’t know, I will preface this by saying that our house was built in 1871 by my great-great-grandfather (Simeon) and has always been in our family. Many babies have been born here (there were no hospitals back in the day) and many people have died here (from a disease or natural causes). They used to hold funerals in what is now my living room. 

 Family history is important and my mother and I have traced one side of our family tree back to France in the 1600s. In addition to that, I always wanted to know about our ancestors that resided in our house from the day it was built. Since some of that family history involves ghosts and other unexplained phenomenon, my blog was created to keep track of it all. In another hundred years-- two hundred years--three hundred years, my future generations may want to know this stuff really happened.  

I never really thought people would read my blog. Imagine my surprise when I looked at the stats one day and saw a thousand views. It wasn’t long before I had 5,000, then 10,000—now over 50,000, spanning many countries around the globe 

Without further ado, I give you the questions most asked of me and the answers: 

 Have you actually seen a ghost? 
 Yes. I have seen three on different occasions. One was a little boy, there was a shadow ghost at one point and the other was a middle-aged man. 
Do you know who the ghosts are? 
 Possibly. There was a child named Willie who died from measles in the house in the late 1800’s so the boy I saw could possibly be him. The man I saw in the upstairs hallway was unknown to me but after describing him to my mother, she thought he could be a relative that lived here many years ago. 
Have other people seen ghosts in your house or just you? 
 When my mother still lived in the house, she had seen several spirits: a very young girl in the pantry; an older lady in the living room; and a man outside in the yard, who walked towards her and sat down on the doorstep near her. She did not recognize any of them. 
My nephew and my aunt also saw my grandmother’s ghost in an upstairs bedroom on separate occasions. 
Have they ever done anything threatening or harmful? 
 No, not towards people. However, a shelf full of collectible vases was lifted up from the hardware that attached it to the wall one evening, throwing everything to the floor. About half of the items broke. It was not a case of the hardware just letting go naturally. Someone had to lift it up to detach it from the wall. No one had been in the room when it happened. While it wasn’t harmful, it was deliberate and destructive. 
Have you been able to interact with a ghost?  
Only once and it was more of a case of it interacting with me. At a family holiday dinner, “something” touched my leg under the table and proceeded to trace the length of my leg with what I assume was its hand/finger. It felt super weird because while I could feel it happening, when I Iifted the tablecloth to look, I couldn’t see anything to cause that sensation. At the exact same time, my niece who was sitting next to me, yelled out that something under the table was touching her leg. She did not know something was also touching mine. 
Are you scared of the things in your house?  
When I was growing up, I was scared most of the time. Bed times were especially fun. NOT.  I knew what ghosts were and that they were around but I didn’t want to see or hear them, which I fully expected to a lot of the time. Today, I am rarely afraid. There were a couple incidents where I was momentarily freaked out but I am used to it now and accepting of the whole situation. 
Are there any haunted objects in your house? 
There is a rocking chair that is older than the house itself that has been seen and heard rocking by itself several times. 
How often do you experience paranormal things? 
It is totally random. There are times when the ghosts are active maybe a few times a week and then nothing will happen for a long stretch of time. 
Other than hearing things and reporting you saw something, do you have any actual proof? 
Strange footprints were left on a floor that was in mid-renovation and a missing pair of shoes returned after being gone for a long time, both of which I have photographed. I also captured what I believe to be two ghost faces in a photo, that are clearly my father and my grandmother in a window. Both these people had been dead many years before the picture was taken. 
When did the paranormal activity start? 
When my mother was a young girl in the 1930’s, some of her earliest memories involved unexplained events in this house. If my grandparents or great grandparents or other relatives from the 1800’s-on experienced anything, I have no record of it. 
Do you ever consider having a “ghostbuster” come in and get rid of your ghosts?  
No. If this is where the ghosts want to hang out, then so be it. It makes life interesting. 
Is there a particular room that is more haunted than others? 
There are several areas that are the most active: the dining room, the pantry, the staircase and one of the bedrooms upstairs. 
What has been the scariest thing you ever experienced in your house?
Two things tie for this honor: 1. The time my son’s shoes disappeared and reappeared. 2. The extremely loud noise on the staircase one day. Both sent chills down my spine and I do not scare easy. 
Has there been any other strange occurrences on your property besides ghosts? 
There have been two incidents in the sky directly over the house involving ufos. Another time, a very unusual “man” came to the door seeking assistance as he had run out of gas. My mother and I both saw and talked to him and were convinced he was not from Earth. 
Why do you have two blogs? It’s confusing me. 
Nova Scotia Paranormal Events is the first blog. The content is about our haunted house, some other unexplained things that happened to me, and also a couple of posts about local  paranormal places we checked out at one point. 
Nova Scotia Paranormal Events Newsletters is my second blog, which I felt was necessary when I discovered just how many unexplained events were experienced by other people around Nova Scotia. I wanted to keep it separate from the main blog (although they link to one another), but report on creepy and mysterious topics in an easy-to-read format. 
What’s one thing you want people to know about your house and the ghosts in it? 
That real true hauntings do happen. Many people have seen and heard and experienced ghosts here. It is not the wishful thinking or ramblings of just one person; there have been many witnesses to our paranormal activity.  
We know very little about the afterlife. But when a spirit materializes in front of you, it’s a safe bet that there actually is one. 

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