Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Sounds & Noises


This blog post is about noises. If you’ve been following my blog about the haunted homestead, you probably read the June/2023 post about the ridiculous gargantuan noise I heard in the middle of the day on the staircase, which to this day cannot be explained.

Noises seem to be front and center lately (aside from the freaky lights incident written about here):  

                                                   Freaky Light Incident

I haven’t visually witnessed anything out of the ordinary these last few months, but there was plenty of that over the years witnessed by myself and others (most of which is on the blog).

I don’t know if noises are just the preferred communication method from the dearly departed these days, or if I am somewhat becoming more “in tune” with that sense. I wouldn’t exactly say I am becoming ‘clairaudient” as I don’t really hear paranormal sounds like truly clairaudient people do. I just hear stuff that is within regular hearing ability. I am the only one in the house some days. At night, I am the last one to bed. Therefore, that leaves me alone in a large rambling (and haunted) house with lots of quiet time. The lack of visual manifestations could be attributed to the fact that I have been known to tell them that I am here working and I don’t need to see spirits drifting throughout the rooms of my house trying to freak me out. Believe it or not, this has been effective before. They are cooperative, I will give them that. I imagine them going, “Well, she said she doesn’t want to SEE us but maybe we can make some noise so she doesn’t forget we live here, too.”

When I say “noises”, I don’t mean a wayward mouse in the attic who deservedly stepped into a trap. I mean sometimes a voice….sometimes footsteps walking….and louder things that make you really stop and think of what a perfectly normal explanation for the source could be, especially when you are the only one in the house, the cat is by your side, and you very clearly hear these things.

Just this morning, I got up a half hour early because I could hear something downstairs and had to double check it wasn’t a burglar. It wasn’t. Missing out on sleep is not something I would do unless I had to, so this confirms the seriousness of the situation.

Yes, there are sounds and noises in everyone’s house --for which explanations can be found: you left a radio on somewhere, your dog knocked over a shelf, your kids are jumping on their bed, etc. This is not what I am talking about. I am talking about things like unmistakable footsteps coming down the hallway behind you when there is not another living soul in your house.(emphasis on “living”.)

I have been keeping a list of the recent events. I have written about them here in order of “Hey, that’s not THAT unusual” to “Are you serious??” and not by the date they happened. And yeah, I am “dead” serious.

In June (2023), I was in the living room and heard someone walk down every stair of the staircase (just outside the living room). I was home alone.

About the footsteps I mentioned in the upstairs hallway: It was August (2023), late afternoon. I was home alone. The cat was off somewhere in the middle of a 22 hour nap. I exited my bedroom (which used to be the most haunted room in the house) and walked down the hallway to descend the stairs. When I reached the end of the hall, I could very clearly hear footsteps coming behind me. Of course I turned to look, sort of hoping I’d see (and sort of hoping I wouldn’t see) some long-departed relative, but nope. No one in sight. You know when someone walks on a creaky floor constructed in 1871. Trust me on this.

August was a paranormally- active month. On the 31st, I was home alone, working in my home office in the far end of the living room. The house was quiet. Winston was lounging on a chair. All doors were locked; pop-in visitors could not enter unbeknownst to me. Yet, I could hear noises in the dining room or kitchen, like something substantial being moved around. Winston became alert and stared in the direction of the noise. I took a gander for visual evidence, but nothing could be seen.

And then in the middle of September, I heard one of the most intriguing noises of all.

Once again, I was home alone, working. The house was quiet. I started hearing hammering/banging noises, possibly on the kitchen end of the house, not right near me or above me. The sound was intermittent, off and on. This went on for about 2 hours. 

I proceeded to check around IN the house and outside for possible shed doors banging or the source of the racket. Everything was locked up tight and there was nothing outside to make that noise. It sounded very much like someone working on/hammering on the end of the house. It could not have been any neighbors— they are too far away to be heard with my windows shut. I was able to record this on my phone and have played it for a couple of people who also agree it sounded like a carpenter was pounding nails for awhile.

There are paranormal occurrences known as residual hauntings which are like a replaying of events from the past. I had written about it here:

                                                                       Classifying a Haunting

It is not out of the question that this is what that was.

Back to the action-packed month of August, I was sitting at the dining room table writing a few thank you cards. It was early evening, still daylight and clear out. Suddenly, I heard the metal door knocker on the front door knock 3 times. It’s a very distinct sound. I was sitting very close to the window that looks out at that door and could see no one was there. I went out to check anyway just in case someone 2 feet tall was on my doorstep. They weren’t. I think I said something like, “Well, if you want to come in, come in. You don’t have to knock.” I returned to what I was doing but nothing else transpired. Just “someone” wanting their presence known again, I think.

Within a few days of that incident, I was in the kitchen washing dishes around 6:00 in the evening. Shaun was in the living room. I heard someone kind of far away yell, “Rebecca!” It was unmistakable. I know my name when I hear it, duh. I walked into the living room to ask Shaun what he wanted. He told me he had not called my name. Nor did he hear it. There was no one else in the house. This would not be the only time a disembodied spirit called my name.

A few weeks later, I was reading in bed and had turned off my lamp to get some shut-eye. It was probably between 12:00-12:30. The house was super quiet. I laid there attempting to drift off when suddenly I heard my mom call my name: “Rebecca!”

It completely startled me, as she died 2 months before. The familiarity of her voice surprised and saddened me at the same time. I remember sitting right up and thinking, “That’s my mom!” I had missed the sound of her voice so much and while I was very happy to hear it again, it instantly reminded me that she was gone. A part of me was super happy though, that she--my mom, the person who gave me life, the person I’ve known the longest and miss the most, was capable and able to speak to ME from the afterlife. I didn’t care that it was just one word—my name—but it meant more to me than all the other paranormal experiences put together in ways I cannot even convey.

I wasn’t thinking of her as I laid there to go to sleep, so it was not wishful thinking. I was definitely not asleep yet so it was not a dream or even one of those small pre-dreams when you are just about asleep and beginning to enter a dream state. I had been actually fully awake when I heard it. It could not have been more clear and it was 100% definitely her voice. I did not get the sense that she was in the room with me. I can only think she wanted to make contact in a gentle way. That would be my mom in a nutshell.

She lived in this house most of her life. She had more paranormal experiences than anyone else I have ever known. I know sometimes those things scared her but for the most part, she found them intriguing, as do I, and we had many, many discussions surrounding what she, and others, have witnessed under this roof. She would always tell me the latest of what she saw or heard, followed by, “You know, I can’t really tell anyone but you about this or people will think I’m crazy. But I know what I saw.” I always reminded her it is hard for people who do not experience these things to fully grasp the unknown. But we knew.

She had some kind of quality whereby paranormal activity was very easy for her to experience. I am convinced some people just aren’t capable of it. Her first encounter with this was when she was a very small child in the 1930’s and she never forgot that throughout her life.

She was not the least bit “crazy” and when she died, she was as sensible and sane as you are. She just happened to live in a haunted house. And now, so do I. 

Lastly, back to August again, I was alone in the living room one night watching tv. I got up to head to the kitchen when I heard a HUGE crash, that sounded like pots and pans being dropped (definitely sounded like metal objects), in the direction of the kitchen or pantry. As no one else was in the kitchen or pantry, one wonders what exactly could have made a noise of this magnitude. No plausible reason was ever found.

I don’t expect the sounds and noises will ever permanently stop. Imagine having to live in your house without making a single sound. Impossible. And probably someday, I will turn around and out of nowhere a spirit will manifest itself (wouldn’t be the first time) and maybe we will really look at each other and I will say, “Okay, you’re my next blog post topic. Have a seat. I have questions.”

Stay tuned for that.

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