Sunday, August 12, 2018

Ghost Faces

I don’t think it’s all that difficult to actually “see” a ghost. Thousands, perhaps millions, of people have claimed to. I don’t think it’s a case of whether or not you are “open” to it happening. It’s like seeing a blue jay or a shooting star. They are around and if you get to see one for yourself, then good for you.

Of course, a ghost or spirit can be around a certain location and make noise and move objects and that sort of thing without ever materializing; so they aren’t always visible, to the human eye anyway.

And when they are visible, most people (myself included) will tell you that they look just like you and me, not all wispy and ethereal like in the movies. Of course there are different entities so sometimes they can look like dark shadows without any discernable features. But that’s not what I am getting at so I digress.

To actually capture a ghost/spirit on camera is a near impossible feat. There are tons of pictures circulating the internet and in published books which claim to be ghost photography. But most turn out to be inconclusive or doctored pictures, or something else entirely that the photographer thought was a ghost but isn’t really.

I’ll be the first to admit our eyes can play tricks on us. I once mistakenly thought a road sign in the dark was a man standing on the shoulder of the road. Once I got quite close, I could clearly see said sign was in fact just that. Although that incident was not photograph-related, it demonstrates how one thing can be mistaken for something else, especially under varied lighting conditions (ie: dark, foggy, camera settings, etc)

All this being said, you could take a thousand pictures in a known-to-be-haunted location and examine them to death (pun intended) and never come up with anything unusual.

And that is exactly what I did.

And then one day, when scrutinizing the latest batch of pics, you see something weird.

And that is exactly what happened.

To re-cap, this blog is about the regularly-haunted house in the country that my mother owns. You are probably all very familiar with it. If not, please have a look around and become acquainted.

A lot of the time, when I am there, I take random pictures in the HOPE that someday something unusual and unexplained will present itself. Like I said, you could take pictures for years and come up empty handed continually. (Incidentally, I have captured a few anomalies over the years but nothing perhaps as solid as the following.)

Within recent weeks, I took some outdoor shots of the property this house stands on, with my trusty Nikon. (mainly of windows because let’s face it, what ghost wouldn’t want to look out at the countryside on a beautiful summer day?)

Upon scrutinizing them later on the computer, one picture of the dining room window caught my eye. A face was looking out the window. I went to the next picture and it got even weirder. Two faces were there and one of them was clearly my father-----who died in 1981.

The face in the first picture looks to be of a young girl, smiling, with long hair. Her features are still clearly visible in the second picture, right below my father’s face, and she looks more like my grandmother in this picture. 

For comparison, this is my father and grandmother.

I have shown the pictures to several people. All but one agrees the man’s face is my father, and that there is at least one other face (a girl or woman) and perhaps as many as three faces in total. 

There was only one person in the house that day: my mother, who was nowhere near the dining room. Nor do any of these faces belong to her.

I have clearly stated ghosts are extremely hard to photograph. But that doesn’t mean it CAN’T be done. Did I get lucky and capture something in my shots? Seems like it.

You can blow them up and add filters all day, but you have to remember the images will not act like they would if humans were in the pictures because the people in these pics are not exactly made of skin and bones. They have intangible qualities to their make-up and that must be taken into consideration when analyzing the photos.

I am perfectly fine with people being skeptical. And so, for comparison purposes, I took more pictures of the same window yesterday, at the same time of day, same weather outside, with the same camera, and nothing changed inside the house. I examined the pictures on the computer later and there are no anomalies at all.

To me, if the faces were fuzzy, hard to see or basically just unclear, I would not share them so readily. But they aren’t any of those things. They are right there, basically just smiling for the camera.

Side note: It should also be noted that I heard unexplained noises from the dining room earlier that afternoon. The dog was startled by them and left the dining room. Not sure what the source of that noise was (they are frequently heard and unexplained) but it could be related to what was captured in the photos.

Conclude what you will and decide for yourself.

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